I never considered myself a creative or crafty person. I sort of decided one day that I needed to do SOMETHING with all the glassware in our basement and Lucky Break Jewelry was born out of a desperation to get organized. My sweet supportive hubby set me up a work space in the corner of the basement and has stood by me thru trial and error and craft show freezing rains and howling winds. He's slammed on the brakes when I've yelled THRIFT STORE and called me on the phone when he's found some pretty china. I've sold so much on facebook and had many ask if I had an online store, so here we are. It's just me and my tools, but I try to make something beautiful out of something broken. That's what God does for us. These pendants are handmade and therefore are not machine perfect, but are made with passion and love instead. Thanks for checking out my store. If you didn't find anything this time, please return as things are always changing. If you have any questions, please let me know.
I just received my first piece today. I bought it for a gift, it is stunning!!!!!!I can't wait for my sister to get it.thank you Becky for getting it to me so quickly.I know where I am doing my gift giving shopping from now on.